Thursday, April 28, 2016

“A promise must never be broken.”- Alexander Hamilton

This is a great statement made by Alexander Hamilton. You should never ever break a promise. You should always stay to your word. If you break the promise, people won't  trust you again. That is why it is important for you to stay true to your word. Like if you say that you are going to your friends house, you better be at your friend's house at the time that you said.Also if you are a team and you say you will be at practice, you better be at practice. Once you break a promise, the word will go around and they won't trust you at all. So it is important to always keep your promise.

Registered Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities : Preform physical exams and health histories. Also provide health programs. 
Salary; 65,470$
Education; Associate degree
Image result for registered nurse education

Reflection; I think i wouldnt like to work in this career because it just doesn't catch my attention.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

"Godness is the only investment that never fails."-Henry David Thoreau
 Image result for henry david thoreau

This is a great staement made here by Henry David Thoreau. Some goodness is helping others

Recreation Therapist

Recreation therapist 

Duties and responsibilites;Recreation therapists employ leisure activities to help patients with disabilities or illnesses. Through the use of games, sports, crafts and more, they maintain their patients' physical and emotional well-being. In doing this, they also help patients integrate into their community via group activities.

Salary; 43,180

Education;achelor's degree in therapeutic recreation or 

recreation with a therapeutic concentration

Demand for this profession; 13%Image result for recreation therapist dutiesImage result for recreation therapist duties

Reflection; I think i would like to work in this because i like working with people and this would give me the chance to do so.

Friday, April 22, 2016

"'My basic principle is that you dont make decisions because they are easy; you dont make them because they are cheap; you dont make them because they are poplular; you make them because they are right. " - Theodore Hesburgh 
Duties and Responsibilities;  Soldiers serve in the Army 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the duration of their service commitment. Think of it as working a full-time job.
Salary; $48,222 - $119,597
Education; No organization offers you an education quite like the Army.

Reflection : I dont think i will not like to work on this medical career pathway.

Monday, April 18, 2016

"I am not bound to win, but i am bound to be true.I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong."- Abraham LincolnImage result for abraham lincoln

This is a powerful statement made here by Abraham Lincoln. He wants for us to always be telling the truth no matter what. We should never lie to anyone and anybody.


Well first of all,Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of nine players each who take turns batting and fielding. The batting team attempts to score runs by hitting the ball the pitcher is throwing. The field team, tries to prevent from the batting team to score runs. I am on the baseball team so i know how thing goes on and off the field.  I would like to play baseball for the next two years that i have at Marquez. Hopefully we start winning some games next season and have a better year than we did this year.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

"Character is higher than intellect."-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

This is an excellent statement made here. Character is that you always tell the truth and choose the right. You also never cheat or do something that you aren't supposed too. Character is a positive thing and not a negative thing. You always have to be on the good side. If you choose to be on the bad side then you aren't showing true character to yourself and the other people around you. You are just lying to yourself and being a bad person if you don't show good characteristics.Your character matters the most.
Mental health counselor

 Duties and Responsibilities ; Mental health counselors offer guidance to individuals, couples, families and groups who are dealing with issues that affect their mental health and well-being. 
Salary; 29,551- 56,357
Education ;  

Reflection; I think i would like to do this.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

'I trust that my hard work will pay off."- Tyler Haws 
Home Court Haven: I *Heart* Tyler Haws          
       This is a great statement made here by Tyler Haws. This statement is also true because hard works does pay off. Just like for him his hard work payed off and now is the all time leading score for BYU. I think if you do good in school, later on you wont regret it. That goes the same for sports. Like if you wanna practice catching the ball and you put the effort, then later on it will pay off. So it is always important that you stay working hard for everything. And if you sack off, now you know that you should put the effort into things.

Friday, April 8, 2016

"True Independence and freedom can only exist in doing what is right."-Brigham Young Image result for Brigham Young

      This is a great statement made here. Brigham Young propably always choosed the right . I dont think he ever choose the wrong.  He is saying that you should always choose the right becuase you get some type of freedom. But if you choose the wrong, then you wont have freedom and wont be able to do a lot of things. Like you have to choose the right in order for your parents to let you go places. But if you choose the wrong then you wont have the same freedom as the people that choose the right. 
Fitness Director

  1. Duties and Responsibilities; Manages and develops health and fitness programs in a healthcare facility. Oversees and trains staff members, manages the day-to-day operations of the business, and maintains the facility and equipment.
  2. Salary; 41,000
  3. Education; Bachelor degree
  4. Demand for this particular career; 25%
  5. I would love to work on this career when i am older.

Monday, April 4, 2016

“Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it.”- George Mitchell

This is a very great statement made here by George Mitchell. I dont think people should ever use steroids when playing in a sport. They should try to be their best by who they are and not have to use drugs to make them better. People in school should not cheat in test or quiz. They should study and try to make the best on what they know. At the end of the day, you are just hurting yourself. If you cheat and you get a really good score on the test and your friend that got a low score.Then you will feel guilty and will confess that you cheated. So it is always best to not cheat. You should just try your best on the field and not use drugs. Plus drugs can kill your body from inside.


Duties and Responsibilities;A psychologist is someone who has at least an undergraduate degree in psychology, which is the study of the brain in terms of human behavior and personality.
Salary; $72,710-$88,400 depending on type of psychologist*
Education; Graduate degree
Demand for this profession; 12%Image result for psychology duties and responsibilities
Reflection; I think i wouldnt like to do this profession.