"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong , you be the one to make a stand for the right , even if you stand alone. Have moral courage to be a light for others to follow." - Thomas S. Monson 
What i think aboour this quote is that its a great expalme to for thr young ones. Ir shows that you dont always have to be with someoen to choose the right , you can be yourself . It also shows how if your friends are really your friends they will do everything with you no matter what. Thi salso means that you want to leave a repretation for others to follow .You also want for them to follow you after you do the right thing. He always making excellent quotes that make this world better if everyone followed them.Thi smeans that if your friends try to push you into doing something bad you shouldnt do it . You always ahev to choose the right no matter what . Maybe if they see you choose the right probably they will go along with you .
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