Wednesday, November 18, 2015

" If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true do not say it."- Marcus Aurelius 
 Marcus Aurelius. Marble. Ca. 170 CE. Inv. No. Ma 1166 (MR 560, S 5632). Paris, Louvre Museum
This is a great statement made here by Marcus Aurelius . I bet when he was living he always choose the right. A good example would be that if your want to cheat do not do it because it is not good . A bad example is stealing from stores and not saying anything. A good example for the second part is it is not nice then you should not say it to anyone. Another example would be that you should not lie to your friends because that isn't the right thing to do to a friend.So no matter what you always have to choose the right.You never want to go do something bad because it can later on hit you in life. If it is nnot the truth to say to anyone you should not say it at all , only say the truth.So in life you want to stay out of trouble. You also want do help others in needed 

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