Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"If we do what is right , we have no need to fear."-Evan Stephens

 This is a great statement made here by Evan Stephens. If you choose the right you would not have to worry about anything . Like for example if you do something bad at school you do not have to worry about your parents taking away your phone. Another good example is that if you study for your test , you dont have to worry about failing anything on that test.Another good example is if you be honestly with what you did you dont have to worry about getting in trouble.  A bad example is that if you do drugs you will have to worry about your parents finding out about it. Another bad example is if you cheat on a test at school you will have to worry if the teacher will catch you . You should always be choosing the right. If you choose the right you dont have to worry about fear. But if you do choose the wrong you have to worry about fear.

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